Its a rather inconspicuous-looking place, so do look out for the sign. Also, be prepared to fight for parking as there is limited lots within the compound.

As you walk in the door, to your left are trays and trays of freshly baked goodies. Do decide which to pick, as other customers tend to snap them up surprisingly quick!

Now, on to the good stuff...the FOOD!
Cream of Mushroom & Chicken Soup**
Iced Latte
The soup was surprisingly filling. It had soft chunks of chicken and slices of mushrooms, and was very creamy.
Seafood Aglio Olio
This turned out to be VERY NICE! The prawns were VERY plump and juicy...and the seafood didn't overpower the dish. Now, most people know that I AVOID chillies and spiciness at all costs. But with this dish, the light touch of chillies actually made the dish even better. It was sooooo good, I forgot to taste the following two dishes. XD
Seafood Pasta**
The cream(ier) version of the Seafood Aglio Oglio.
Dry Curry Beef Pasta
Didn't manage to taste this one...but my friend who ordered it said it was goooooood....
New York Cheese Cake
The desserts on display were practically seducing me to try them out. So I picked a classic, the New York Cheese Cake. However, this turned out to be the one bad choice I make. The cake feels "heavy" and almost gelatinous (jelly-like). I'm no connoisseur but I'm pretty sure any cheese cake doesn't taste like that.
This is Justin, signing off.
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